Amanda Yamashita is a soft sculpture and fiber artist creating squishy works that have been featured in NYC and LA in the United States. She's not one to do something small; Amanda's pieces take up space and command a room as installation art. They're grotesque and cute at the same time, reminiscent of the human female body in all of its curves and soft parts. Below are some images of this work, and a statement from Amanda Yamashita herself.
The plush, tangible sculptures I create hold a unique physicality. Each individual form alludes to the body and is repeated to create a mass that gestures toward expansion and transformation. Similar to its internal and external components, it exhibits dichotomy: inorganic and organic, physical and spiritual, small in its parts and massive in its whole. By draping carelessly from the ceiling, the work stands in your way- seemingly delicate, but so massive that it demands your attention.