calling all writers
Pink Things is seeking writers to create original content for
To write for Pink Things, send at least two pitches and your experience to
Pink Things is a submission based platform constantly looking for new work, words, and people to feature in order to expand the thinking and ideas around the color Pink!
Please send us your Pink submissions to
Word Submissions:
Please send us your writing submissions in a .doc or .pdf format, no longer than 2000 words.
There is no limit to the kind of writing it can be! Send us a recent diary entry, Pink art show review, personal essay, poetry, fiction, research on the history of Pink and topics related to it, etc.
Artwork Submissions:
Please include at least 5 original works, your name, contact information, materials, dimensions, when it was made, and an artist statement on how it relates to pink.
Photos should be 72 ppi, no larger than 1000 pixels on the longest side with the file named after its title.
Know someone doing something really cool related the Pink in a conceptual manner (see FemProject, International Women's Initiative, etc.)? Tell us about them! Just shoot us an email with the contact info and we will reach out for an interview.
Open calls for the print issues of Pink Things will be posted on social media.