FLAVIA's Video For "Damn Life Is Good" is a Colourful Celebration of Summertime Fun
Still from FLAVIA’s “Damn Life Is Good” video
You may know Los Angeles artist and activist FLAVIA from our last feature debuting her single Damn Life Is Good. Since then, the track has skyrocketed, being featured on playlist after playlist (including Voglia Di Sole!) Today FLAVIA is following that success with the release of her video for the single. It’s an instant classic summertime anthem, featuring shots from all over the world by fans, friends, and family, celebrating friendship and the people you love while making memories that will last a lifetime.
Watch FLAVIA’s video for Damn Life Is Good below.
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Written by: FLAVIA Produced by: Jacob Alexander, FLAVIA Vocal engineering/production: Syre Mixed by: Tyler Scott Directed by: FLAVIA Produced by: Rich Costales, Mirage Studio LLC and FLAVIA SPEAKS LLC Director of Photography (Performance Shots): Basil Mironer Editor: Rich Costales Colourist: Jenn Gittings Location (performance shots): Clone Country House, Co. Wicklow, Ireland Special thanks to: Jeff and Svetlana Watson, Giulia Watson, Nick Watson, Becky Pinion, Storm Desmond, Alan McGlinchey, Robin Feldman, Madeline Spooner, Jackie Watson, Deprise Brazel, Katie Schafer, Eloisa and Noah Cox
Malaika Astorga is our Creative Director, and is currently based in Montreal. She is an illustrator, photographer, designer and writer.