Objects by Taylor-Jane Smith


The above are all vital components of my practice. I also have an adventurous tendency for experimentation in mark making. The act of making art is therapeutic for me and a love for the process of making has come from this. My practice includes everything from painting to experimental sculpture and immediate object making.

Pink has influenced many of my artworks. Colour choice is generally the first decision in my process. I pick a colour and material to start with and then all other decisions tend to be informed from there. Pink is my go to colour. I can't explain my attraction to it. I've tried my best to figure out why I gravitate to pink, and I have still yet to find the answer. So it continues to be the number one choice in my broad palette.

These featured works are part of an ongoing experimental body of work in materials and immediate sculptural processes. Object making is only something I've started investigating over the last six months and I get so excited about new materials. I have recently been looking at ways of combining these new materials together. I love trying to make new things and I'm constantly changing up materials and ways of making within my practice. There is so much play when I make and I like my response to materials to be playful too.

Arrange Me

The pink wax in Arrange me was salvaged from the work immediacy when it finally broke. So plaster gave this fragile material a new life. Arrangement is play to me. This work is made up of two individual objects balancing on each other. Arranging objects in this way opens up limitless options and new combinations to play with, draw from and inspire.

Immediacy #2

This work was made in 2015 during a period where I was investigating casting wax forms in water. It left majority of the artistic decisions to chance and the it had some stunning effects. The delicate nature of the materials adds to the beauty. I thoroughly enjoy listening to viewers of my work speculate what methods and materials I have used and continue to keep pushing my own boundaries.


This work was made in 2015 during a period where I was investigating casting wax forms in water. It left the majority of the artistic decisions to chance and it had some stunning effects. The delicate nature of the materials adds to the beauty. I thoroughly enjoy listening to viewers of my work speculate what methods and materials I have used and continue to keep pushing my own boundaries.

Paddle Pop

This is one of my most recent and magical experiments. The milky pink appearance of acrylic in resin is mesmerizing. This work bridges the the gap between my painting practice and object making. It is very recent and I hope that I continue to work with these materials and start to upscale the size of these objects.


Many of my works are fragile in nature, and eventually some break. But I recycle these forms and continue to be inspired from them. This was the product of a clay casting experiment and it turned out to be a real gem and was included in one of my latest works.

