Related Articles: January 27, 2018
So. I was two weeks into my goal for 2018 of never missing a Related Articles and I deliberately skipped one. This was last weekend, and to be fair, I had a good reason. Life had been busy. I got caught up in Game of Thrones (I've never watched it before but oh my god it is life changing) and I didn't read a single article that week related to the color pink. Sure, I read about the latest political scandal (Trump has a porn star on the side, weee) and how to try to beat the Instagram algorithm (has anyone else taken a huge hit since September?), but nothing that I felt was worth sharing. So, I tried to make up for it this week with a bunch of fun reads — not just upsetting reads about the way the world treats women, queer people, etc. etc., but some great pieces on how to take care of yourself when it feels like 2018 actually isn't that great (was anyone else disappointed by the 2018 Women's March? It felt so inauthentic to me this year..) and some comedy writing to make you laugh, and some sensual articles to make you feel something.
Also, I am happy to share that I got promoted at my day job! I'm now a Junior Project Manager at Cultural Counsel.
So enjoy this week's content my chikadees (as my mom likes to say). I love you all, and big things are coming to Pink Things. Malaika and I have started having weekly Facetime brain sessions, in addition to our daily texts about life and how frustrating Instagram is, where we figure out how to be better. I truly believe that this is going to bring you some amazing content and a tee shirt or two.
Until next week!
xx Sarah
PS. My list of things to read is so long with great things! I promise next week will be packed with doozies.
"Breaking My Foot Was the Best Thing to Ever Happen to My Sex Life" by Jennifer Swann for The Cut - This is such a cute fun piece because I love you and I'm tired of reading about politics. It takes like two minutes to read and you'll get a little giggle. Do it.
"Self-Care 101: The A-to-Z Guide to Being Kinder to Yourself" by Jerico Mandybur for Girlboss - I've noticed myself slipping into a deep seasonal depression. Last week I missed publishing Related Articles because I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just wanted to lay in bed and watch TV. But part of 2018 for me is treating myself better. So while last week wasn't so great for me, I'm taking this fun self-care guide to heart and plan on implementing this tips. Also, Girlboss fucking copied our Self-Care Sundays. *eyeroll*
"All About the Turtleneck, Fashion's Control Mechanism" by Kelsey McKinney for Ssense - I'm in love with this ode to the turtleneck as a radical fashion statement. It has a huge history of protest for equality and it's rise in current fashion trends is no accident.
"50 Makeup Tips Every Woman Should Know" by Jen Reviews (sponsored) - As someone who is not a makeup guru and struggles with techniques that makeup tutorials make seem so easy, this article was insightful and helpful! Check it out if you wanna up your makeup application game.
"New Glossier Product Just Ripe Peach That You Eat Sexily" by Reductress - I am SCREAMING. Reductress is a feminist satire website, and even as a lover of Glossier, this piece had me cry-laughing. It's so true.
"Aziz, We Tried to Warn You" by Lindy West for The New York Times - Lindy West is at it again with her strong ass op-eds for the Times. I personally don't know where I come down on the Aziz reports of sexual assault. At the very least it was coercion. But Lindy sites in this piece all of the articles and literature referencing how this behavior is inappropriate and not acceptable, dating all the way back to the 70s, before he was even born.
"On Aziz and 'Bad Sex'" by Katie Anthony for Bust - Okay, so I read this piece after the previous piece on Aziz, and the only thing I know is that I agree with this take. I don't know how I feel, and I feel just like this writer says she feels. It's like a punch to the gut, and whether you agree that Aziz sexually assaulted "Grace" or not, you need to read this think piece about the way we think about sex in society as a whole. It's a little bit shocking. And a lot of bit good.
"Photo Essay: 10 Powerful Images of Protest from the Women's March 2018" by Deena Drewis and Jerico Mandybur for Girlboss - If you were someone who relished in the women's march last year but didn't find it to be inspiring this year, check out these photos for some feel good empowerment vibes. It'll make you feel a little better, I promise.