Pics or It Didn’t Happen drops in America today! The 300 page pink book is filled to the brim with brilliantly curated images that were banned from Instagram. Edited by Arvida Byström and Molly Soda with a forward by Chris Kraus (author of I LOVE DICK), Pics or It Didn’t Happen is a reflection of our digital time. Featuring the works of established artists like Petra Collins and Rupy Kaur, emerging artists like Sarah Sickles (Pink Things Editor, hollaaa), and people who felt passionately about having their bodies censored, Pics or It Didn’t Happen is provocative and political. Memorialized in a printed book, Pics or It Didn’t Happen liberates those images censored by Instagram and legitimizes them in a form where they cannot be deleted.
Get your copy of Pics or It Didn’t Happen today on Amazon! A little birdie also told Pink Things that our gal Nicole over at Sex + Ice Cream will be selling copies of the book at her relaunch in May at both, Kansas City and Des Moines, locations!